Our Ultimate Femme Fatale Melissa-Holdbrook

Melissa's Wardrobe  
Age: 25
How she got started?
Melissa Holbrooke-Akposoe started her career as a stylist.
She had always been interested in fashion and wondered whether to go into fashion buying or styling.
Styling inspired her the most. She considers herself an artist using clothes and photography to tell a story.
She went to University, and soon after graduation delved into her career as a stylist.
She has kept a blog of her outfits and lifestyle since 2010.

'Don’t be afraid to tell people how they’ve made you feel. If you don’t you’ll end up resenting them.'
'You’re worthy, you’re enough and you more than deserve it.'
'Just because you can’t do something now that you feel you’re meant to be able to do, doesn’t mean you’re never going to be able to conquer it.'

Why we love her
 She runs a successful blog and brand, Melissa's Wardrobe, with many followers on various social media platforms. She is also an Interior decorator.   
 She showcases her talented eye for style and self-expression through clothes.
 Melissa can pull off multiple styles from sleek, clean work inspired wear to cute and casual pieces for the weekend.
 She is level-headed, driven and realistic; she's honest about mental health issues and the pressures of a career. Talking about it is great to raise awareness and show she's just like everyone else.
 Her blog posts are a joy to explore and read, using photography, fashion and great writing to express herself.  It also includes beauty, travel and food posts.
 She's a reputable stylist, working with the likes of House of CB/Miss Mistress and Anthony Joshua.